A Future of Interconnectedness showcases a digital art piece that was created in response to the Creatives for Climate prompt: What would a positive future in 2030 look like? This piece was shortlisted for the Earth Day Advertising Summit at the Tate Modern.
Climate Changed is a visual poem that explores climate justice with a focus on the historical and current events that have contributed to the current state of climate change. This poem also explores the consequences of thinking of nature as separate, as opposed to part of the self.
Hereafter explores the themes of time and connection in a world affected by climate change. It follows the movements of coral in a time before, during, and after the Anthropocene, and was inspired by digital models that track the movements of coral larvae in the Indian Ocean as ocean temperatures increase.
Solastalgia is a solo exhibition that showcases a combination of Maya's paintings, sculptures, and performance pieces, which have been curated according to the Kübler-Ross model of grief and draw inspiration from the term "solastalgia," coined by Dr. Glen Albrecht.
The Lost Garden collection of artworks captures the beauty and significance of endangered or extinct plant species from around the world. It is inspired by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as it existed in 2018.
This page features a diverse collection of Maya's artistic styles expressed through digital art.
This page documents Maya's collaborations with artists, academics, and organizations, as well as a showcase of commissioned works.
On this page, you will find documentation of Maya's work between 2018 and 2020, featuring a range of styles including portraiture, abstract pieces, and watercolor and acrylic works.